


















該講話稿由「偉大的蔣丞選手(周)」翻譯成中文 (該講話視頻有三種版本,歡迎點開我的主頁觀看) ... I recently sent a message to the Harvard community outlining the steps we』re taking on campus to limit the spread of corona virus disease, 2019, more commonly referred to simply as corona virus . 我最近向哈佛社區發送了一封郵件,概述了我們正在對學校進行的為限制2019-新冠病毒疾病(通常簡稱為「新冠病毒」)傳播的舉措。 Harvard remains open, and operations will continue with appropriate measures to protect the health of the community, two of which I announced in my message. 我在郵件中述說了其中兩項:哈佛仍然對外開放,並將繼續採取適當措施來維護社區健康 We』ve begun transitioning to virtual instruction for graduate and undergraduate classes, an aim to complete our work by Monday, March 23, the first day of classes scheduled following spring recess. 我們已經開始過渡到研究生和本科生課程的虛擬教學,目的是在3月23日星期一(春季休假後課程安排的第一天)之前完成我們的工作。 We』re also asking students not to return to campus following spring recess. All graduate students will transition to remote work wherever possible. 我們還要求學生在春季休假後不要返回校園。而且所有研究生將儘可能遷移到遠程工作。 And on campus, activities and interactions will be severely limited for any student who needs to remain on campus. 在校園內,對於任何需要留在校園內的學生,其活動和交流都將受到嚴格限制。 These extraordinary actions are intended to minimize the need for large group gatherings and to reduce the prolonged time spent in proximity. 這些非同尋常的舉措旨在最大程度地減少對大型團體聚會的需求,並減少在這上面花費的時間。 ... 勞倫斯·巴科 They are consistent with the recommendations of leading health officials on how to limit the spread of corona virus. 它們與主要衛生官員有關如何限制新冠病毒傳播的建議是一致的。 None of us wanted to see the spring semester altered so significantly, but our top priority must be ensuring one another ’s health and safety. 我們誰都不想看到春季學期有如此大的變化,但是我們的首要任務必須是確保彼此的健康和安全。 We are taking these measures to ensure the safety of our students, to be sure. But more than that, we also must be concerned about the safety of everyone who works at Harvard. 當然,我們正在採取這些措施來確保學生的安全。 不僅如此,我們還必須關注每個在哈佛工作的人的安全。 It's the people who work in our dining halls, those who work in our dormitories, our faculty, and our staff more broadly. 比如在我們食堂工作的職員,在我們宿舍工作的職員,我們的教職員工以及其他廣大職工們。 All of these individuals are at risk for this virus and so by limiting the presence of our students on our campus, we seek to slow down the potential threat that's posed by this disease. 所有員工都處於可能感染這種病毒的風險中,因此,我們通過限制學生出入校園,來努力減少這種疾病帶來的潛在威脅。 Also, by limiting the possible exposure of our students, we seek to protect their families as well. 另外,通過限制學生與外界的接觸,同時也是在努力保護他們的家人。 We must all work together, all be considerate of each other as we try to limit the spread of this disease. 在共同抗疫時,我們必須團結一致,互相體諒。 Students, I know it will be challenging to be away from friends and colleagues, from familiar spaces that have become your home. 同學們,我知道離開朋友和同學,離開像家一樣熟悉的地方非常具有挑戰性。 I thank you for understanding that being away from campus is indeed a selfless act of caring for our community and especially for those among us who may be at increased risk. 所以我感謝大家的理解,因為離開校園確實是保護我們社區,尤其是對於那些面臨更大風險的人的無私奉獻。 To my faculty colleagues, I know the prospect of changing course mid-stream is daunting. I appreciate your willingness to adopt approaches and tools, and teaching methods, that may be unfamiliar to you and I want you to know that you have the full support of the university as you undertake what I suspect will be a mark remarkable shift in the way you teach. 對於我的同事們來說,我知道改變課程中期的前景令人生畏。 我非常感謝你們願意採用自己可能不熟悉的方法和工具以及教學方法,同時我想讓你們知道你們得到了全校的支持,我認為這將會是你們教學方式的顯著的轉變 To our staff, I know that even on our best days, the lion share of support for our teaching and our scholarship falls on your shoulders. 對於我們的員工來說,我知道即使在我們最好的日子裡,支持我們教學和獎學金的最大責任也落在了你們的肩上。 Now we rely upon you to take on additional responsibilities with the same creativity and flexibility and judgment that you always apply in service to our mission, thank you. 現在,我們依靠您來承擔其他責任,同時還要發揮你們一如既往地為我們的使命服務的創造性,靈活性和判斷力,謝謝。 As your president and colleague, but also as a husband and father and grandfather, I find myself deeply grateful for the work of our community, especially now. 作為你們的校長和同事,更是作為一名丈夫,父親和祖父,我對我們社區的工作深表感謝,特別是現在這個特殊時期。 It's an honor to have colleagues from across the university who are working tirelessly through their scholarship to address every aspect of the corona virus in the hope that we might check it spread and its impact. 我為有全校同仁不懈的努力,通過他們的淵博學識來研究新冠病毒的各個方面,希望我們能夠阻止它的傳播及其影響而感到榮幸。 It's an honor to have colleagues from across the university who are using the latest information available to protect the health, safety and well being of members of all our community. 為有全校同仁使用最新資訊來保護我們整個社區成員的健康,安全和福祉而感到榮幸。 It's an honor to have colleagues who are counseling care and generosity, who are urging understanding and respect, and we're championing physical and mental health. 為有能為患者提供慷慨諮詢,敦促彼此諒解和尊重以及我們倡導身心健康的同事感到榮幸。 So much of what's happening at Harvard right now is largely invisible to the wider world and its true value will only become clear to us in the rear-view mirror. ... 外界不知道哈佛現在正發生的許多事情,其中真正的價值只有我們自己清楚。 For now I'm confident that we're doing everything within our power to address the challenges posed by the corona virus. 目前,我有信心,我們會盡全力解決新冠病毒帶來的挑戰。 Our efforts will take understanding on the part of all. It will take patience on the part of us all. And I hope it will help to bring us all together as a community. 我們的努力需要大家的理解, 這需要大家的耐心。 我希望這將有助於將我們團結成一個集體。 As I said in my earlier message, I am proud to be a member of a place where people put greater good among above their own self-interest. 正如我在早前說過的那樣,令我感到自豪的是,在這裡,人們將更大的利益置於自身利益之上。 Thank you again for your patience and your resilience, and for doing all you do to make Harvard a special place. Thank you. 再次感謝你們的耐心和堅韌,感謝你們為使哈佛成為一個特別的地方所做的一切。謝謝! (本講話稿配合視頻使用更佳,該視頻有三種版本分別是無字幕版,英文字幕版,雙語字幕版,歡迎大家點擊我的主頁觀看。)








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